序号 |
论文作者 |
期刊论文名称 |
刊 物 名 称 |
年、卷、期、页 |
1 |
曾斌 |
Graphene spheres loaded urchin-like (x=1 or 2) for use as a high performance photocatalyst |
ceramics international |
2014, 40:5055-5059 |
2 |
曾斌 |
Carbon nanotubes/graphene three-demensional networks architecture loading with Ni and its adsorption properties |
nano |
Vol. 9, No. 2 (2014) 1450019 |
3 |
曾斌 |
ZnS nanoflowers on graphene for use as a high-performance photocatalyst |
nano |
9(8):(1450097-1)-(1450097-7) |
4 |
曾斌 |
Reduced graphene oxides loaded-ZnS/CuS heteronanostructures as high-activity visible-light-driven photocatalysts |
Journal of Alloys and Compounds |
2014, 582 :774-779 |
5 |
曾斌 |
ordered mesoporous necklace-like ZnS on graphene for use as a high performance photocatalyst |
Applied Surface Science |
2014, 208:321-327 |
6 |
曾斌 |
CNTs/rGO spheres decorated with CuxO (x=1 or 2) nanoparticles and its photocatalytic performance |
catalysis communications |
2014, 43(5):235-239 |
7 |
罗佑新 |
Non-Equidistant Multivariable Model MGRM (1,n) Basedon Vector Valued Continued Fraction and Reciprocal Accumulated Generating Operation |
TELKOMNIKA Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engin eering |
2014,12(1): 669 - 677 |
8 |
罗佑新 |
Non-equidistant MGM(1,n) Based on Vect Continued Fractions They and Its Application |
Information Technology Journal |
2014,13(6) ,1186-1191 |
9 |
罗佑新 |
The Multi- Population Genetic Evolutionary Optimization Algorithm and its Application to Mechanical Optimization |
Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering |
2014,19(L) , 2605-2610 |
10 |
罗佑新、车晓毅、肖伟跃 |
The Non-equidistant New Information Optimizing MGRM(1,n) Based on a Step by Step Optimum Constructing Background Value and Accumulated Generating Operation of Reciprocal Number |
Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering |
2014,19(L) ,2631-2642 |
11 |
罗佑新、刘奇元 |
The Non-equidistant MGRM(1,n) Based on Vector Continued Fractions Theory and Accumulated Generating Operation of Reciprocal Number |
Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering |
2014,19(N) ,4015-4025 |
12 |
罗佑新、刘奇元、车晓毅 |
New information multivariable optimization MGM (1, n) model with non equidistance and based on background value optimization |
Computer Modelling and New Technologies |
2014,18(9): 77 - 81 |
13 |
罗佑新、刘奇元、车晓毅 |
Unequal-interval Multivariate MGM (1, n) Model Based on Improved Background Value |
Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering |
2014,19(z) ,9331-9338 |
14 |
罗佑新、刘奇元 |
The Non-equidistant Multivariable MGRM (1,n) Based on Homogeneous Background Value Constructing and Cumulative Generating Operation of Reciprocal Number |
Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering |
2014,19(P) ,3865-3873 |
15 |
罗佑新、车晓毅、汪超 |
Grey Entropy Quantum-behaved Chaotic Particle Swarm Optimization Based on High-dimension Multi-objective Optimization Design of Mixed Discrete Variables |
Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering |
2014,19(Z2) ,10167-10178 |
16 |
罗佑新、车晓毅、何哲明、刘奇元 |
Interval Iterative Method Based on Liu Chaotic System for Solving Planar Mechanism Synthesis |
International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics |
2014,52(8) ,45-54 |
17 |
何哲明、罗佑新、刘奇元 |
Swing Oscillating Gear Transmission with Hypocycloid Shockwave |
Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering |
2014,19(Z3) ,10625-10635 |
18 |
何哲明、罗佑新、刘奇元 |
The Non-equidistant Multivariable New Information MGM(1,n) Based on New Information Background Value Constructing |
TELKOMNIKA Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engin eering |
2014,12(1): 4290 - 4298 |
19 |
李玲芳 |
Non-equidistant Multivariable New Infmation Optimizing MGRM(1,n) Based on Improving Background Value and Accumulated Generating Operation of Reciprocal Number |
Information Technology Journal |
2014,13(6),1240-1245 |
20 |
李玲芳 |
Non-equidistant Multivariable Optimizing MGRM(1,n) Based on Background Value Constructing and Accumulated Generating Operation of Reciprocal Number |
Information Technology Journal |
2014,13(6) :1192-1197 |
21 |
李玲芳 |
Effects of phenolic resin on the electrochemical performance of Li3V2(PO4)3/C cathode materials. |
J Solid State Electrochem |
DOI 10.1007/s10008-014-2410-6(Published online: 19 February,2014 |
22 |
杨莹,张专元 |
基于ANSYS Workbench的货车车架有限元分析 |
农业装备与车辆工程 |
2013,51(12):12-15 |
23 |
杨莹,代靖华 |
螺旋油楔滑动轴承空穴边界迁移研究 |
组合机床与自动化加工技术 |
2014,(1):61-63 |
24 |
肖伟跃 |
Decision Method of Processing Scheme for Part Surface with Constraint Condition Based on T_invariant of Fuzzy Petri Nets |
Advanced Materials Research |
1049-1050 (2014) pp 824-827 |
26 |
杨继荣 |
The method of the green design and manufacturing for the Construction machinery |
Advanced Materials Research |
1049-1050 (2014) pp 824-827 |
27 |
杨继荣 |
The research of design method on green modular that oriented Construction Machinery |
Advanced Materials Research |
Vols. 1049-1050 (2014) pp 828-832 |
28 |
刘文清 |
凝固条件对高硅铝合金组织的影响 |
科技资讯 |
2014(9):108-109 |
29 |
车晓毅 |
数控技术课程立体化教学模式的探讨 |
科技教育 |
2014(11):165,167 |
30 |
曾斌 |
材料成形技术基础双语教学的教改实践 |
科技教育 |
2014(2):161-162 |
31 |
胡浩 |
不同组别类型的变压器并联运行的研讨 |
太阳城集团学报 |
2013.4:51-52,73 |
32 |
胡浩 |
电力变压器的过热报警电路 |
电子制作 |
2014.1:79 |
33 |
胡浩 |
配电变压器运行中的问题及解决办法 |
农村电工 |
2014.3:37-38 |
34 |
胡浩 |
变压器铁芯故障接地的分析与处理 |
中国设备工程 |
2014.1:71-73 |